“Creativity is one of the essential things about being human. So you don’t have to apologize for it. It’s something human beings do.”

– Margaret Atwood, Author


Increase Your Creative Freedom

Everyone has access to creativity. It’s part of our human birthright.

Unfortunately, not everyone is comfortable with their creative power, or knows how to harness it effectively.

Even with a burning desire, it can take a lot of guts just to get started on a creative journey.

And once begun, there are a lot of potential stumbling blocks and inner “terror walls” that can interfere with our progress and completing projects.

Successful artists and professional creatives struggle with the same issues as anyone who feels drawn to explore their own creativity:

    • Trusting your own unique voice, style, or approach.
    • Giving yourself permission to include or address uncomfortable material.
    • Keeping momentum going when inspiration lags.
    • Self-doubt, judging your own work as, “Not good enough.”
    • Negative societal and/or family stereotypes about art and artists.
    • Fear of criticism, and taking it personally.

Creative people need to grant themselves a lot of freedom.

As daunting as it can be, we artists and creatives have a sacred responsibility to nurture our own talent and ideas:

    • Demonstrate what free thinking looks like, which unconsciously gives other people permission to do the same.
    • Witness and interpret the world through your own unique lens.
    • Shine a light on injustice.
    • Entertain and make life more inspiring and enjoyable for others.

By giving ourselves the freedom to explore and play with our own creativity, we have the potential to contribute our authentic best to others, society, and ourselves.

Creative Freedom: For the Artist in You

Do you want:

    • A more loving and compassionate relationship with your inner artist.
    • Transformation and release of inner doubts and blocks.
    • More ease and confidence.
    • Greater access to your life force energy and creative inspiration.
    • Increased momentum to complete projects and move forward in a creative career.

The Creative Freedom workshop series combines empowering concepts, tools, guided meditation, and deep unconscious energy healing (learn about Soul Medicine energy healing.)

Visit Contact Page to subscribe to the JaZzyMaE Newsflash for workshop updates.

The Creative Freedom custom coaching program is an individual three or six-month plan that provides  help with goal-setting and accountability, encouraging reminders, energy healing, additional self-care resources, plus branding and creative project support (such as developing a story, book or screenplay.)

Claim a free Spark Session to explore how a customized one-on-one Creative Freedom coaching, accountability and healing program can empower your artistic journey.