“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

– Willie Nelson, Singer/Songwriter


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2025 Datebook Planner for Artists, Writers, Creatives

Available in Pink, Turquoise or Blue with artist collage cover, and plain pink cover.

For the artist in you: this Datebook Planner is a companion for creative people to care for their inner artist and keep track of projects and career goals. It includes food for thought, simple self-care tools and insightful quotes and more to help keep you inspired and on track.

ACCOUNTABILITY for HEALTHY SELF-DISCIPLINE: Record plans for projects as a way to be accountable to yourself. Think through and then schedule the steps you need to complete a goal or project, ideally with a deadline attached (subject to change, if needed.) If you tend to be over-ambitious, this process can help you become more realistic in setting goals and deadlines. If you use it regularly, this planner will also become an interesting record of your plans and progress over the year.

SELF-APPRECIATION & GOALS ACCOMPLISHED for HEALTHY SELF-NURTURING: We tend to skip over large and small achievements without even a pause to acknowledge that we just completed a goal or task. That’s why there’s a “Self-Appreciation and Goals Accomplished” section at the end of each week; it’s a reminder to record whatever small, medium and large milestones you reach, and to 
celebrate your wins.

The Artist’s Way book/workbook by Julia Cameron

Audition: Everything An Actor Needs To Know To Get The Part book by Michael Shurtleff (not just for actors)

The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It For Life by Twyla Tharp

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

Now Write! compilations of creative writing exercises

Creative Visualization book /workbook by Shakti Gawain

The Life Visioning Process audio book & guided meditation by Michael Bernard Beckwith

The Mind Body Code: How The Mind Wounds & Heals The Body audio book by Dr. Mario Martinez

The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf and Murray Smith

Inner Yoga: 23 Simple Self-Care Tools for Peace, Healing & Authentic Empowerment by Laurie Lamson

Artist Morning – YouTube channel with how-tos and guided meditations 

Let Go of Subconscious Fear: Live With Authenticity, Acceptance, Confidence & Purpose guided meditation